My review of the Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide is up on Nuketown. As you might imagine, this is an important book for our KOTOR campaign; we could have run the game without it, but it would have been a lot harder. The single best aspect of the book is its comprehensive history of the time peroid; there’s a lot there scattered through a dozen comic books and two video games, so its very useful to have a single campaign guide that pulls everything together.
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Game Cryer: Scum and Villainy
My review of the Scum and VIllainy source book for the Star Wars: Saga Edition RPG is up on
Books Like Dust: My response to 4E
While not directly related to Star Wars, this blog post by campaign member Damon does a good job of why our gaming group ended up playing Saga Edition instead of D&D 4th Edition. Not every Blackrazor agreed with him, but I’d say he speaks for about half the group, and I think even those of us who liked 4E agree with at least some of what he says here.
Nuketown: D&D 4E to Star Wars Creature Conversions
A while back I posted a Nuketown write-up on converting Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition monsters t0 Star Wars: Saga Edition. I did this for Chapter #4: To the Emerald Cliffs, morphing 4E stirges into to Zebulon Swamp Bats. It worked out well enough, but honestly it takes about as much time to make a monster using the beast creation rules in the Saga Edition core rule book.
I think this is still a good GM tactic to troll through the 4E books looking for monsters, but I think it’s easier those as inspiration and build your own creature than it is to try and do a conversion.
Calendar Overview page added
It turns out that timekeeping in the Star Wars universe is a lot more convoluted than I think a lot of us imagined. I’ve added a page to the blog explaining the calendar (based on a Wookipedia article on the Galactic Standard Calendar). As the primary GM, I can’t see getting too caught up in dates, but it is nice to be able to have some idea of how time is flowing.