I’ve added an index of Bonus Feats from the various source books to the site. This should be particularly helpful for the party’s scoundrels, who had a serious deficiency of skillful bonus feats.
Category Archives: News
Nuketown: KOTOR Campaign Guide Reviewed
My review of the Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide is up on Nuketown. As you might imagine, this is an important book for our KOTOR campaign; we could have run the game without it, but it would have been a lot harder. The single best aspect of the book is its comprehensive history of the time peroid; there’s a lot there scattered through a dozen comic books and two video games, so its very useful to have a single campaign guide that pulls everything together.
Game Cryer: Scum and Villainy
My review of the Scum and VIllainy source book for the Star Wars: Saga Edition RPG is up on GameCryer.com
Books Like Dust: My response to 4E
While not directly related to Star Wars, this blog post by campaign member Damon does a good job of why our gaming group ended up playing Saga Edition instead of D&D 4th Edition. Not every Blackrazor agreed with him, but I’d say he speaks for about half the group, and I think even those of us who liked 4E agree with at least some of what he says here.
Nuketown: D&D 4E to Star Wars Creature Conversions
A while back I posted a Nuketown write-up on converting Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition monsters t0 Star Wars: Saga Edition. I did this for Chapter #4: To the Emerald Cliffs, morphing 4E stirges into to Zebulon Swamp Bats. It worked out well enough, but honestly it takes about as much time to make a monster using the beast creation rules in the Saga Edition core rule book.
I think this is still a good GM tactic to troll through the 4E books looking for monsters, but I think it’s easier those as inspiration and build your own creature than it is to try and do a conversion.
Calendar Overview page added
It turns out that timekeeping in the Star Wars universe is a lot more convoluted than I think a lot of us imagined. I’ve added a page to the blog explaining the calendar (based on a Wookipedia article on the Galactic Standard Calendar). As the primary GM, I can’t see getting too caught up in dates, but it is nice to be able to have some idea of how time is flowing.
Welcome to our KOTOR site!
Welcome to the fledgling blog for our Knights of the Old Republic campaign. There’s not much here yet, but we’re working on that. Stop back in a week or two when we should have some episodes, character blurbs, and some fresh paint.